Hope all is going great with you…
Here’s a frequent question:
*** Question ***
How is it that happy-go-lucky people always get what they desire but those who are anxious about reaching their desires always find them out of reach?
>>> My Comments:
That’s a problem that a lot of people struggle with and there’s a solution for it…
Think about those who are constantly anxious about attaining their desires…
What kind of message are they communicating with their subconscious mind?
That’s the most important question. In fact, you should always ask yourself, when you think or do anything: “what is the subtext and indirect message to my subconscious mind?”
Those who are anxious about attaining their desires, fear that they may not reach their goals… otherwise they wouldn’t be anxious, would they?
And so the indirect message to the subconscious mind is fear of failure…
Those who are anxious about their desires, may even put in a greater conscious effort out of fear but since their subconscious mind is not on board, these efforts are painful and exhausting…
When you have your subconscious mind on your side, there is no painful struggle… It’s all joy and fun, like happy-go-lucky people…
So now, how should you think of your goals so you will not be anxious about reaching them?
or how can you have that happy-go-lucky mindset?
Here’s the answer…
Instead of thinking you must have something, always think:
“Wouldn’t be cool if I had… (that something)…?” or
“Wouldn’t be great if I had… (that something)…?”
Can you see the subtle and big difference, in this way of thinking?
You are not forcing your subconscious mind, but tempting it…
When you think this way, you are not anxious about getting what you desire…
but think of it as a cool addition to your already rich and happy life…
And, that’s how happy-go-lucky people think.
Keep thinking this way and soon all your actions will be joyful and your desires unfold…
Best wishes on all you do,
Dr Eric Amidi